Thursday, August 25, 2011

How to Keep Nail Polish Looking Fresh and Pretty

Getting a manicure can be time-consuming and expensive which is why we want to keep our nails looking pristine and gorgeous for as long as we can. But how can we do so with the various ways polish chip off and ruin our pretty nails? popPRETTY will show you a few basic steps to help keep your nail polish clean, fresh, and pretty!

Step 1: Make sure your nails are clean and fully dry when getting a manicure. Nail polish sticks best when nails are clean and dry, allowing the base coat to adhere securely so that color will last longer.

Step 2: Trim your nails and file them. Long nails are harder to take care of especially if there is a lot of chipping. File and clip your nails before painting on polish. Filing your nails will also give that finished look which helps nail polish look clean and fresh.

Base coats are to polish as milk is to coffee
Step 3: Use the right products and application. When getting a manicure, ask the beautician to always put on a base coat. Base coats help keep the nail polish look vibrant, allowing it to last longer. The base coat also protects your nails from being stained by the nail polish. Darker polish tends to discolor nails. Dry the base coat thoroughly before putting on a thin layer of nail polish. Add only two thin layers or the minimum layers that achieve your desired effect. Apply a top coat to further protect your newly polished nails. Do not handle any objects until the paint is completely dry.

Step 4: Avoid getting your hands wet. Whenever you wash dishes or do something involving water, make sure to use gloves to protect your manicured nails. This will help prevent the color from chipping or fading quickly.

Step 5: Carry a nail repair tool kit. Keeping this tool kit in your bag will help you repair chips as soon as possible. This will also help prevent you from having to spend on a new manicure procedure all over again.

Be sure to follow these steps carefully as they will help keep your nail polish looking clean and fresh like the first day you got them! gives you fresh beauty + fashion tips and news daily!

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